Futurist Tristan Horx says the coronavirus offers opportunities, too. They might even learn that our differences are what makes us resilient.We are all Generation Corona now. Tristan Horx. Der Podcast Namhafte Experten aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Wissenschaft diskutieren mit Gastgeber Tristan Horx im Zwei-Wochen-Rhythmus über aktuelle sowie langfristige Entwicklungen.

However, the crises they experienced were a lot more abstract than a world war’s destruction. An un-pocalypse of sorts.As the cyclical nature of history has shown thus far, not learning from history indeed does doom us to somewhat repeat it.

We are currently in what could be considered the beginning of the end of the Baby Boomers generational cycle. Gen Z was the last generation before the big reset – fine by me – we had run out of letters in the alphabet anyway. It is showing us the fault-lines in our systems, unveiling weaknesses or inadequacies that we had taken for granted and deemed unchangeable. Tristan Horx aus dem Zukunftsinstitut über radikale Ehrlichkeit. The four seasons of the Generation Corona will not be the same as history shows, but will certainly have a similar ring to them.This scenario is merely a mental experiment, following the lines of Michael Hopf who described the cyclical pattern of historical development pertinently as: We assume this also applies to women. Keynote Speaker, Digital Native, Millennial, Mitarbeiter im Zukunftsinstitut, Autor von »Generation Global«, Dozent an der SRH Hochschule Heidelberg, Kurator von »Treffpunkt Zukunft«, ein Podcast für kritischen Zukunftsoptimismus. A collective human endeavour.Looking back at the 20th century we have largely freed ourselves from racism and sexism, nearly from culturalism and will hopefully skip generationalism – the second to last bastion of societal division that is left. What is apathy towards a system that has become way too lopsided towards egotism and capital, is considered “laziness in the workplace”, and their digital fidelity labelled addiction. Watch video 04:42 Date 30.06.2020 Duration 04:42 mins. Maybe we have all watched too many Hollywood & Netflix movies. Human evolution has always been accelerated by transcending previously unchangeable behavioural patterns. Zukunftsinstitut 33,551 views. They witnessed at least two of them, happening far away in the ivory towers of New York and the stock exchange, but never affecting them quite in the same way as our current un-pocalypse has.Let us assume the Corona Crisis is the beginning of the next cycle. Pero, ¿su optimismo podría quedarse en pura utopía? Just like when the aliens finally attack – a virus being somewhat similar in its apparent otherworldliness. Even when pummelled by economic crises and injustices, their social values are continuously moving towards tolerance of differences. Let us look to the future and figure out where we end up if we don’t change the chorus in the musical of history.Generational cycles begin with massive, world changing crises. Tristan Horx, Self: Corona-Wissen. And we’ll figure out rich and poor together. I worked for many years as a TV and print journalist for the Observer in the UK and currently live in our experimental self-designed Future Evolution House in Vienna with my husband Matthias Horx, occasionally with our two grown up children, Tristan and Julian, and a mad dog called Bubbles. In this regard our current un-pocalypse could be considered a blessing in disguise. Wie wird sie danach aussehen? Generations too have developed along this cadence. As such, Covid-19 might not be the crisis we wanted, but certainly the one we needed. Keynote Speaker, Digital Native, Millennial, Mitarbeiter im Corona verändert die Welt. Massive societal destruction leads to a rebirth from the previous world’s ashes. We will break the cycles of history together or at least turn it from separate melodies to a symphony. The Covid-19 crisis is not the usual hard times humanity has previously presented us with. It has become accepted that the bloated economy crashes about every ten years.