Thus, the author of an anti-racist book becomes a racist who has not recognized her internalized racist attitude.The way to explain and combat racism as the individual psychological path of the individual has two harmful effects: The actual perpetrators of oppression and racism are taken out of the line of fire. Bernd Rademacher hat als Ensemble-Mitglied des Schauspielhauses Bochum inzwischen unter sage und schreibe sechs, sehr unterschiedlichen Intendanten gearbeitet.

He has worked with directors such as Jürgen Kruse, Helge Schneider, Karin Henkel, Elmar Goerden, Burghart Klausner, Anselm Weber, David Bösch, Jan Klata, Roger Vontobel, Alexander Riemenschneider and Christian Brey. Racism is a method of domination according to the motto “divide and rule” and not an original attitude of the ruled.If people of white skin are declared the main problem of racism, it is easy to falsify my book against racism as an expression of the “internalized racism” of a white person.The play does not do justice to the fight against racism. The problems of life in Namibia as well as in Germany and worldwide have their roots in the capitalist greed for profits and power, the different skin colour, i.e. Musique Thomas Osterhoff. Mrs DiAngelo’s answer: “By learning to think differently about racism. as criminal or semi-criminal.

Würden wir das im selben Tempo spielen wie 'Weekend im Paradies“, schmunzelt Dramaturgin Annelie Mattheis,...André (Bernd Rademacher) lebt in einer verwirrenden Welt: Eine wildfremde Frau (Kristina Peters) behauptet, seine Tochter zu sein.

Povijest 1907. Bochum. Thus Claessens proves his bankrupt political judgement.2.

The Bochum theatre has inexcusably counteracted this.One participant stressed how the fact-rich and warm-hearted presentation has created a desire to travel to Namibia and another participant, who is just preparing for a trip to Namibia in November, sees the most effective way of doing something for people today through travelling on location.The Women’s Policy Advice from 1-3 November 2019 in Erfurt is another good opportunity to promote networking among women across national borders and continents.My criticism of the play “White People’s Problems – The Evil Dead” by the Bochum theatre deals with the causes of racism.Bernd Rademacher, ensemble member of the Bochum theatre, replaces a factual argument in the February issue of the district newspaper “Der Ehrenfelder” with a torrent of pejorative phrases about my Namibia book and my actions.The performance of the play corresponds to the view of the American sociologist DiAngelo, who explains racism as an internalized attitude that is in every white person. In answer to the question: “How is it possible for white people to discuss racism at all?” Ms DiAngelo replies: “By learning to think differently about racism. At the same time, ensemble member Thelma Buabeng spread untruths about the conflict on Facebook, ensemble member Bernd Rademacher published a completely unobjective and primitive polemic in the city newspaper, and finally Benny Claessens posted a post on Instagram on October 16 in which he put the author on the level of Hitler admirer Leni Riefenstahl and stamped her comrades-in-arms as a criminal or semi-criminal gang.So instead of an objective, open, and of course controversial debate, silence, backstage intrigues and public disparagement of the anti-racist author as a racist and fascist.In content and form Benny Claessens proves his bankrupt political judgement.The women’s movement, which is committed against racism and for international friendship, will criticize the falsification and trivialization of racism as an “internalized attitude of whites”, reject the resulting division of the common struggle of whites and non-whites against racism and practice open, objective and critical engagement instead of intrigue, cowardice and bullying.Director Benny Claessens published a story on Instagram on 15 October 2019. In Namibia as in Germany and the USA. Er arbeitete u. a. mit den Regisseur*innen Jürgen Kruse, Helge Schneider, Karin Henkel, Elmar Goerden, Burghart Klausner, Anselm Weber, David Bösch, Jan Klata, Roger Vontobel, Alexander Riemenschneider und Christian Brey zusammen.