schrecklich Übersetzung im Glosbe-Wörterbuch Deutsch-Serbisch, Online-Wörterbuch, kostenlos. I laughed until I cried. The Awful German Language / Die schreckliche deutsche Sprache book. 1) Einen schrecklichen Anblick bot die lynchende Menge. Sheer genius!!! During the debate, a motion to adjourn failed by one vote. Vitaly Friedman, geboren in Minsk, Weissrussland, am 8. I also don't agree with limiting German to the words "Zug", "Schlag" and "also" even though it would be nice. And after reading the book, I quite agree that German would be hard to learn compared to other languages. I'm not talking about the casual traveler who knows how to say "Ein Pils, bitte..." If you're a bona fide member of an English speaking country and have grappled with that hyper-complex, rule-bound, and bi-polar b*tch known as the German language (I think Twain calls it the same epithet at one point), and you want to fall on the floor repeatedly in laughter, then grab this book and buckle up. Deutsche Sprache in Bildern Die längsten deutschen Wörter. She gave me this book as a response, to deter me I guess. Helft uns, sie zu finden: Die Liste wird mit der Zeit ergänzt, Vorschläge bitte in die Kommentare, gerne anonym. 19493 ... finden sind – sechs oder sieben Wörter zu einem zusam-mengedrängt, ohne Naht oder Saum – das heißt ohne Bin-12 Welcome back. This Book shows how extremely difficult it is to learn the German language as a second language after English. It's more like an essay, but you'll miss so very much of the humor in this brilliant read if you haven't TRULY attempted to master the language. from "...“On January 13, 1795, Congress considered a proposal, not to give German any official status, but merely to print the federal laws in German as well as English. I do like it and feel very close to the language. It's more like an essay, but you'll miss so very much of the humor in this brilliant read if you haven't TRULY attempted to master the language. The final vote rejecting the translation of federal laws, which took place one month later, is not recorded,” Baron said, who cites two contemporary sources for the account....(Baron being Dennis Baron, professor of English and linguistics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) The Awful German Language / Die schreckliche deutsche SpracheNow I know why my German is so bad! Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Februar 1985. Seriously - a long lost gem of humor that I was glad to find. Mein erstes - und bisher einziges - Buch habe ich im Jahre 1992 niedergeschrieben; damals war ich 7 Jahre alt. Also, funnily enough one of his wishes for the German language, getting rid of the Dative, has kinda come true over the years. Mein Name ist Rutger und ich möchte dir helfen, dein Deutsch zu verbessern.Meine Faszination für Sprachen, Internet und Medien und meine Leidenschaft, anderen etwas beizubringen, haben sich auf dieser Webseite zusammengefunden.Früher war die deutsche Sprache für mich mal eine schreckliche Sprache. Wo finde ich lizenzfreie Bilder, die ich kostenlos benutzen kann? The edition I've read was bilingual and I took the chance to savor some German with a useful facing-page translation. As an English native who's lived in Germany (and even Heidelberg! Beide Wörter können wir für Zeitangaben verwenden, aber es gibt einen Unterschied.Bei der Betonung von Wörtern, die auf „-tor“ enden, gibt es eine Besonderheit: Die Betonung ändert sich je nachdem, ob das Wort im Singular oder Plural steht.Der Unterschied zwischen den Konjunktionen „damit“ und „sodass“ ist nicht nur für Deutschlernende schwierig, sondern bereiten auch vielen Muttersprachler Schwierigkeiten.