São recomendados os mesmos mapas do troféu anterior.

Esse troféu é ganho naturalmente conforme você joga, não há segredo. Os boosters Situational Awareness e Evasion são muito úteis nesse modo. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Trophy Guide This is an amazing game so I hope many of you people will play it! O segundo pacote, “Siege Expansion Pack”, também traz dois mapas – The Highrise e The Museum –, seis skins (Wetsuit Drake, Baseball Shirt Drake, Prakoso, Platzor, Glowzor e Dead Explorer) e o novo modo Siege para o Co-op Arena.Consiga todos os troféus do jogo, excluindo os de conteúdo adicional. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Remastered - Hangman\Grenade Hangman - YouTube.

They should also count towards this trophy.To punch someone, press the square button when close to an enemy. Each page will have At the end of this step, you should have your shiny new platinum trophy.Earn all Uncharted 2: Among Thieves™ Remastered TrophiesDefeat 10 Enemies in a row with Hand-to-Hand CombatKill 20 Enemies by Shooting from the Hip (without aiming)Kill 20 Enemies with a Single Punch After Weakening Them with GunfireKill 10 Enemies in a Row with a Single Punch After Weakening Them with GunfireYou will earn this trophy the first time you finish the game on the difficulty Easy or higher. This section of our guide covers all one-hundred Treasures, in addition to the Strange Relic, making for 101 actual Treasures in the game. You will unlock this trophy when you find your 40th treasure. Se tiver dificuldade, jogue o capítulo 4 no Very Easy e procure matar os inimigos só com socos. You can perform a stealth kill by walking up behind an unsuspecting enemy and pressing There is a checkpoint that teaches you how to use grenades, but after you've done that once you can back out of cover and run to your right, where you'll see the large cargo container shown in the screenshot below. Also, be careful on any platforming sequences. Diferentemente dos troféus dos modos competitivos, esse pode ser obtido jogando através do Custom Game. Ele te agarrará pelo pescoço, iniciando um QTE, e então podem acontecer duas situações. Claro que, se você quiser acumular pontos, você vai querer matar os inimigos, mas isso não é realmente o que este guia é sobre, não é? Climb on the back of it and hang there, and shoot at all of the enemies that are rushing you. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, the blockbuster follow up to Naughty Dog’s Uncharted: Drakes Fortune features 48 trophies consisting of 36 bronze, 8 silver, 3 gold, and the Platinum trophy… Cada um destes modos possui um objetivo diferente, e vencer uma partida em qualquer um deles conta para o troféu. Kills count over different playthroughs, so if you kill 30 enemies on your hard playthrough and 20 enemies in your crushing playthrough with the 92FS, you would get the Micro - 9mm is a pistol and can be bought in the store for $5,000.Wes - 44 is a pistol and can be bought in the store for $10,000.Desert - 5 is a pistol and can be bought in the store for $10,000.Pistole is a pistol and can be bought in the store for $10,000.FAL is a long gun and can be bought in the store for $5,000.M4 is a long gun and can be bought in the store for $10,000.Dragon Sniper is a long gun and can be bought in the store for $20,000.Moss - 12 is a long gun and can be bought in the store for $5,000.SAS - 12 is a long gun and can be bought in the store for $10,000.M32 is a long gun and can be bought in the store for $20,000. Tuer 10 ennemis à la grenade en visant tout en étant accroché Once you run out of ammo or the enemies are almost all dead, restart the checkpoint and repeat - when you restart the checkpoint you will not have to redo the tutorial.Just as you might imagine, shooting from the hip involves running around and pushing  to aim.

... Início Trophy Guides Trophy Guide – Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Une fois en possession du Desert - 5 usez du respawn pour cumuler les victimes ou achetez l'arme dans la boutique pour 10 000 $ (cf. Obtenha 200 medalhas Captured. Para ganhar uma Triple Threat, você tem que variar: é preciso matar 3 inimigos com pistolas, 3 inimigos com armas longas e 3 inimigos com granadas em uma partida. Ligne de conduite). Que ce soit à l'aide d'armes explosives (grenades Mk-NDI, lance-roquettes - 7 ou lance-grenades M32), ou d'objets de l’environnement, faites en sorte de faire 1 pierre 3 coups mini : Si vous rencontrez des difficultés, abaissez le niveau de difficulté du jeu, et prenez votre temps pour aligner vos 5 headshots avec des armes a feu sur des ennemis sans casque de préférence.

Virá naturalmente no decorrer do jogo. Quando alguém recebe dano de uma arma explosiva (Hammer, RPG ou granadas), o personagem cai no chão ajoelhado por alguns segundos – é neste momento que você deve executá-lo. Termine a décima onda em uma partida de Gold Rush.

Since these trophies do stack, it's advisable to collect this one as part of your Crushing run.You will earn this trophy the first time you finish the game on the difficulty Normal or higher. You first have to kill the first set of enemies and then trigger a cutscene. A melhor estratégia é usar a Hammer, pois requer dois disparos para matar um adversário. There are a few places where you might be able to get this trophy during normal gameplay, but if you don't there is a tailor made place to farm it after the first cutscene right at the beginning of  The weapons are evenly spaced throughout the game, and you have more than enough opportunity with each to get the required number of kills, especially if you pay attention and put a little effort into it. As usual, know the correct path, practice the level if needed and always restart checkpoints when  you mess up in any way.Your first step is going to be to play through the game once on Crushing difficulty.