It showed the potential for oil on beaches over a thousand miles.

For several years, oil companies, including BP and Chevron, have signalled interest in drilling under the bight to confirm the existence of untold mineral riches. The fight so far Om kampanjen på norsk / For Norwegians News. They don’t travel all the way to Cactus not to get wet.

Shorten pledged that a Labor government would move quickly to investigate the likely effects of an oil spill.

Five hundred metres or so off the highway is a dusty space to park, and from there a gravel walking path leads to the edge of the continent. The fight so far Om kampanjen på norsk / For Norwegians News. “A really big adventure,” our eldest called it. “You feel different. Everywhere, as we travelled around the Eyre Peninsula, we were implored to Fight for the Bight — posters at the bakeries, newsagents and pubs, stickers plastered to car bumpers. If you’re heading west, it’s the last stop for food, petrol and supplies before you venture on to that mighty, majestic plain.

Part of the spectacle is that nothing tempers the landscape. •To sign up for our free email newsletter, enter your email address below.The government must make clear that it doesn’t want any more boomsCapping negative gearing, as Scott Morrison tried to do as treasurer, would be a small but useful step.

An oil spill would confirm the ecological catastrophe.From the Eyre Peninsula we made our way along the bight coast to Penong, a town of about 200 on the South Australian edge of the Nullarbor. We spent our first night on the peninsula in Cleve, a quiet, pretty town about forty kilometres inland, but otherwise we kept to the coast: Tumby Bay, Port Lincoln, Coffin Bay, Elliston, Streaky Bay, Smoky Bay. As research on the health impact of the fire season continues, the lessons are becoming clearer Once a shark came through the swell. The Fight for the Bight really got going in February last year.

The fight so far Om kampanjen på norsk / For Norwegians News. The water was memorably clear and crisp. Take Action Events Shop.

Sign the ‘Statement of Concern’ to joinTell your friends and family about what's at stake. The limited number of camp sites in the dunes behind the beach are filled by surfers who stay for days, weeks or months.Phil “Shirl” Laws and his wife Sharon run the Penong General Store and Comet Cafe. We had the beach to ourselves. Scientists disagree. The fight so far Om kampanjen på norsk / For Norwegians News. It was inspiring. A Norwegian company says it can drill safely in the Great Australian Bight.

“That’s Bunda,” Shirl said, “two or three hours west of here.” For twenty-five years he had been a truckie: Melbourne–Perth–Melbourne. We are truly blessed to call this amazing Noosa community home. Before making their decision, they should be made to stand on the Bunda cliffs. We got the sense that the campaign had galvanised communities around the Eyre Peninsula and made protesters from people who had never protested before. Capping negative gearing, as Scott Morrison tried to do as treasurer, would be a small but useful step. Its isolation would make an oil spill hard, perhaps impossible, to contain.

To stand in what seemed like an endless wilderness was mesmerising.

All Our stories Media Releases In the news ... We call upon the Australian Government to listen, and permanently protect the unique waters of the Great Australian Bight from drilling. People we met on beaches and jetties welcomed us to the “west” and its beautiful azure waters.The South Australian Tourism Commission has designated the road around the Eyre Peninsula part of its Seafood Frontier.