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John is still no closer to understanding Sherlock's capacity for emotion, yet he still he opts not to tell Sherlock that Irene Adler wound up dead after all, instead following Mycroft's suggestion to tell Sherlock she was put in a witness protection scheme in America. Their client, John inspires Sherlock to recognise the clue that solves the case: the use of acronyms to abbreviate the name of a government project.
John is later abducted by the bomber – revealed to be Several months pass, during which the pair investigate other cases and John blogs about them.
He is adept at reading people through facial expressions, whilst Sherlock relies on his surroundings, on clothing and personality displays to read people.
When he returned from Afghanistan, he was as thin as a lath and as brown as a nut (STUD, 26).
Despite Sherlock's consultant status and John's army pension, money remains tight, prompting John to seek employment at a medical centre. However, John is able to move on from Sherlock's death, and begins dating Over the months between learning Sherlock is alive and his wedding, John helps Sherlock with a number of cases, and the two fall back into their former friendship.
Moriarty was then released. He … He shoots the killer from an adjacent building, thinking that Sherlock's life is in danger. Sherlock is hiding out in the Barts morgue, where John joins him.
He was a rugby player for Blackheath (SUSS 126).
Malgrado raramente lo si veda coinvolto in affari sentimentali all'interno dei racconti, numerose sono le allusioni da parte di Holmes alle vicende amorose dell'amico; ne Nelle illustrazioni ottocentesche, nonché nelle rappresentazioni teatrali e nei successivi film, Watson viene generalmente rappresentato come un uomo tarchiato, con baffi, di età variabile (generalmente vicina a quella di Holmes). John deals with lack of stimulation little better than Sherlock does, the difference being that when Sherlock is bored he is very vocal in his frustration; when John feels that "nothing ever happens", he withdraws into a shell and shows strong tendencies towards depression (possibly exacerbated by his post-traumatic issues). John returns to Mycroft, having realised Kitty's story contains so much factual evidence about Sherlock that someone must have tipped off Moriarty to it. Despite having stopped the therapy sessions, eighteen months after meeting Sherlock, John schedules another due to the death of his friend.
Sherlock's 'Best Man' speech references these cases, and he is able to prevent one of John's wedding guests from being murdered as he re-examines the cases while talking about them. Il dottor John H. Watson è un personaggio creato dal famoso scrittore Arthur Conan Doyle come co-protagonista delle avventure del celebre detective Sherlock Holmes.
Still, John is pleased with the development, telling an annoyed Sherlock that the blog is helping him make a living.
John's stance is for her to tell Sherlock she is alive. Thin because he was struck on the shoulder by a Jezail bullet (STUD, 10), which shattered the bone and grazed the subclavian artery, and after being moved to the base hospital at Peshawur, h… Holmes ha un buon rapporto solo con Watson, mentre appare emotivamente molto distaccato e disinteressato agli altri. A young female person in close relation to the Queen has had compromising photographs taken of her while in the company of When Irene turns up dead that Christmas, Sherlock is upset by the news to an unprecedented extent.