The Brain (Chinese: 最强大脑; pinyin: Zùiqiáng Dànǎo lit. Juni 2011 von in Unterschichten-TV, Videos veröffentlicht. Episode 3's guest judge was This episode aired on February 3, 2017. It was reported that the host Jiang along with some contestants in the show are facing the heated consumption among the Chinese merchants. The contestant then completes their challenge.

In der Sport1-Mediathek findest Du alle Videos zum Thema Sexy. Erstens waren die zufällig ausgewählten Zahlen der Gäste auch sofort im Bildschirm mit ihrem Ergebnis sichtbar. Episode 6's guest judge was Starting Episode 7, each incumbent and challenger competed for one seat on the international team in a total of nine head-to-head contests. The contestants who received a full 10 points from Dr. Wei in Period One are exempt from elimination. That is: is there going to be a fifth season? Each team member plays one competition, and the country who wins the most is the winner. LG aus Holland! Dabei geht es nicht nur um das Rechnen im herkömmlichen Sinne, sondern auch um das Behalten von Ergebnissen mit großen Zahlenmengen, die bei Bedarf – auch nach vielen Jahren – „abgerufen“ werden können. (2 pts.)

Even the number of fans rose to 300,000, I could still find it! Besonders den Abschnitt über „Fähigkeiten“Danke für eine qualifizierte Antwort!!! The contestant with the highest combined score is entitled the Grand Champion. Wer sich für Solcherlei interessanten Dinge ermuntern kann, der sollte sich nach Möglichkeit folgende Dokumentation zu Gemüte führen. I saw a fan full of Chinese characters...Wang's such words and the number 300,000 made a huge controversy on the social media, because it was the number of victims in This episode aired on January 6, 2017. If the challenger does not state a specific qualified contestant they want to challenge, it will be seen as a challenge to all the qualified contestants. kein wunder dass deutschland immer mehr verblödet. If the final score (the product of the judges' scores and Dr. Wei's score) is more than 80 points the contestant is qualified to go on to the next round. Und sowas findet das gemeine Fernsehvolk also interessant. Rules remain the same as the competitions in earlier seasons. Episode 1's guest judge was Given an adult face, identify their childhood face from thirty elementary school class photos. !Es tut mir leid, aber ich werde Dich nun darauf hinweisen, dass die Veranlagung solche doch schon sehr komplexen Rechnungen durchzuführen in jedem Menschen vorhanden sind.Hier solltet ihr mal nachlesen.

Total langweilig. Note: Eliminated contestants were scored out in the tables below.

"The Brain's Hall of Fame" consists of the contestants who successfully performed in the previous three seasons. Kinderlähmung…Weil wir einen enormen Anstieg an Autoimmunerkrankungen und Allergien gerade unter Kindern haben und kein Wissenschaftler sagen kann oder möchte,…Ach da weiß ich noch jemanden der brauch nur seine Schwiegermutter zu riechen ! However, they will work together as a team, instead of playing against each other.

Und genauso wie es sieben verschiedene Brusttypen gibt, gibt es anscheinend auch fünf unterschiedliche Vagina- bzw.Vulva-Typen. Episode 5's guest judge was This episode aired on February 17, 2017. Dort wird auch in einer Folge Mr. Gamm vorgestellt.Deutschland eigene „“ Rainman“ respekt!! Bitte aktiviere JavaScript in … Should even one of the members did not challenge the judges, the contestant would be eliminated. To be fair, the details of their games would not be revealed to both the human contestants and Xiao Du itself before the recording of the show. This is the finale of the 2014 Chinese version of The Brain franchise.

This show is produced under Endemol and has been sold to multiple countries in Europe, China, Russia and United States to date. If the challenge was rated lower than the original score, it could be considered as an automatic elimination. Doch trotz geballter Weiblichkeit treibt sie ihre Leidenschaft für Fußball an. Denen fällt wirklich nichts mehr ein. This episode aired on January 20, 2017. This period consists of challenges between the Chinese show's greatest contestants and the ones in the other international versions (see below). If Dr. Wei gives a full 10 points, the contestant is automatically qualified for the next round. After all the head-to-head games, regardless of the outcomes, Dr. Wei Kunlin and Prof. After all the nominations and competitions, two contestants nominated by scientific judges (acting as team leaders) along with returning grand champion Chen Zhiqiang will play games against Xiao Du for the last time of the series. Ich kann mir die Zahl nicht mal vorstellen Könnte ich auch wenn ich lust hätte. A contestant with special skills (not necessarily brainpower or mental skills) comes to the stage and announces what their "special" challenge is going to be.

Allein schon in Runde 1 gibt es viele Hinweise, dass …