Maximize your motivation by doing work that’s an authentic expression of you. These circumstances will encourage you to buy that dream bike or car you have been planning to buy and you will have good health throughout. Vzťahy škorpiónov si na jar zachovajú svoju klasickú líniu. Still, if you try to do it all yourself, you’re likely to burn out fast. But due to the sight of Saturn, you may lack patience.At the beginning of the year, Saturn is going to change on the 24th of January, which will increase the level of your happiness as good things will come your way.

The vision of Mars in your 3rd house can create negative influences on your honor, education, and give you issues regarding your child.Astroyogi suggests that you need to keep a regular check on your day to day life and make use of your day in a planned manner to achieve maximum out of it.

The first, with Saturn on January 12, teaches you to take more responsibility for your thoughts and words, being mindful of their power to create or destroy. Budite sigurni da ćete platiti sve dugove i pokušajte vratiti novac od svakoga kome ste posuđivali novac u prošlosti. When you think of it that way, it would be more selfish not to promote it!From late August through October, planets in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus and Jupiter/Pluto/Saturn in Capricorn, supporting you in building solid working relationships on foundations of integrity and service. Fortunately, from August-October, a series of trines help you connect with your support system. After all, Scorpio, it’s not about you—it’s about the work.

And chances are, that added element of uncertainty makes them hotter than ever—especially in March, when Venus is also in Taurus! The lord of the 4th house, Saturn will remain in its zodiac this year, an...© Netway India Pvt. But this place is also a place that affects younger siblings, so you might as well be concerned about the future of younger siblings. Ltd. 2001-2019. Once the south node enters Sagittarius on May 5, concerns about financial security can make it tempting to stick with “safer” ways of earning a living.
Use Venus’ retrograde from May 12-June 24 to reevaluate your desires, fantasies, turn-ons, and turn-offs—just make sure you do more than talk about them! This change is going to be very important for your success because here you will be able to channel all the energy inside you. Also in the 7th house, the vision of Jupiter from the 5th will make your family life fulfilling. Family disputes can also arise. Still, you’re wise enough to know that true happiness won’t be found “out there.” It’s an inside job—and as your ruling planet Pluto digs even deeper into Capricorn this year, his long-awaited conjunctions with Jupiter and Saturn empower you to do the work. The eighth, with Venus conjunct Uranus and the sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces, is a perfect day to rekindle your romance.Venus then moves on to Gemini, where she luxuriates for the next four months (April 3-August 7). Svět v roce 2020: Blíží se změna – podle astrologie padnou mnozí politici a přeskupí se sféry vlivu Konjunkce Saturnu a Pluta ukončila v lednu 2020 cyklus, který světové dění ovlivňoval od roku 1982. Throughout the year, a sextile between Jupiter in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces (exact February 20, July 27, October 12) helps to unlock intuitive, creative solutions to problems your intellect alone has failed to crack. But don’t let fears of dating outside your usual “type” keep you from following your heart.If you’re in a committed relationship, your partner may seem suddenly different in a way that makes it harder to take them for granted. Ova 2020. godina bi trebala biti prilično opuštena kada je u pitanju financijska situacija za Škorpione.

Horoskop škorpión 2020 však hovorí aj o nezhodách, ktoré by mohli vzťah škorpiónov natrvalo poznačiť.