Explore historical landmarks, go down to the atomic level, get up close with sharks, even visit outer space! From Mount Everest to the Louvre, there are over Imagine bringing a swirling tornado or a buzzing beehive into your classroom. Expediciones de Google permite que los profesores guíen a los alumnos a través de colecciones de escenas en 360° y objetos 3D, señalando sitios y artefactos interesantes a lo largo del camino. Google Expeditions is an immersive learning and teaching tool that lets you go on VR trips or explore AR objects. Download the Expeditions app to get started.With VR and AR, teachers are no longer limited by the space of the classroom. You can create a virtual reality tour using your own 360° or 180° photos or images from Street View directly in the browserWe’ve partnered with leading museums, universities, laboratories, and publishers to develop more than 1,000 VR and AR tours. Expeditions AR uses Google's AR technology to map the physical classroom and placed 3D objects. Download the free app to explore more.Expeditions explore history, science, the arts, and the natural world. Users can now use a link or QR code to jump to a specific tour.By purchasing this item, you are transacting with Google Payments and agreeing to the Google Payments Erhältlich für Gruppen von 10, 20 oder 30 Schülern. Explore historical landmarks, go down to the atomic level, get up close with sharks, even visit outer space! Bring abstract concepts to life with the Expeditions app AR mode. One kit includes: teacher and student devices, virtual reality viewers, chargers and a router to connect your devices. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies* Expeditions content can now be shared via deep links, meaning that over 1,000 AR & VR tours are easier to discover than ever! Download the free Expeditions app to unlock over 900 VR tours and over 100 AR tours. Google Expeditions は、臨場感あふれる体験ができる教育アプリです。教師と生徒は、1,000 種類以上の仮想現実(VR)ツアーや 100 種類以上の拡張現実(AR)ツアーを通じて世界を探索し、教室にいながらサメと一緒に泳いだり、宇宙旅行に出かけたりすることができます。教師と生徒はモバイル デバイスや VR ビューアを使用して、教室にいながらアート ギャラリーや博物館を見学したり、海中を泳いだり、宇宙旅行に出かけたりすることができます。教師がモバイル デバイスを使って教室内にオブジェクトを配置すると、生徒のモバイル デバイスに 3D オブジェクトが実際に教室の中にあるかのように映し出され、生徒はそれらを観察したり周囲を歩いたりできます。教師はツアー クリエイターで作成したツアーを Expeditions に追加して、生徒の引率に使用することができます。また、教師が Poly で高評価をつけたツアーや Expeditions に対して共有したツアーは、Expeditions アプリに自動的に追加されます。Google Expeditions: over a million students, on trips to virtually anywhereExpeditions AR - Bringing the world into the classroom

Erhältlich für Gruppen von 10, 20 oder 30 Schülern. Available for groups of 10, 20, or 30 students.Google Expeditions for the UK: Take your students around the world in VR.With Tour Creator, teachers can build virtual field trips or empower students to create their own immersive tours. One kit includes: teacher and student devices, virtual reality viewers, chargers and a router to connect your devices. Users can now use a link or QR code to jump to a specific tour.By purchasing this item, you are transacting with Google Payments and agreeing to the Google Payments
Introduce your students to a new way of learning with virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR).
VR lets you explore the world virtually while AR brings abstract concepts to life—allowing teachers to guide students through collections of 360° scenes and 3D objects, pointing out interesting sites and artifacts along the way.It’s never been easier to take your students on an adventure of a lifetime in VR or AR. Google Expeditions is an immersive learning and teaching tool that lets you go on VR trips or explore AR objects. Expeditions AR tours are now available to anyone via the Google Expeditions app on both Android and iOS. Connect to Travel to the edge of the earth with National Geographic explorer Mike Libecki. They were amazed at the things they could do and the places they could see.”If you could take your students anywhere in the world—where would you take them? Für AR-Abenteuer können Sie auch Selfiesticks hinzunehmen. Google takes abuse of its services very seriously. Google Expeditions is an immersive learning and teaching tool that lets you go on VR trips or explore AR objects. Students can walk all around the objects, get in close to spot details, and step back to see the full picture. Google Expeditions is an immersive learning and teaching tool that lets you go on VR trips or explore AR objects. Explore historical landmarks, go down to the atomic level, get up close with sharks, even visit outer space!