Maul scolded this and said that they were not yet ready to face the Jedi and that they should have been hiding instead. After further training, Opress proved adept enough to take on two lightsaber duelists at once, as seen when Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi confronted him down on Toydaria and Darth Tyranus' ship. Mithilfe der Macht stieß dieser den Gossam von der erhöhten Ebene, auf der er sich befand, doch musste er feststellen, dass Ja’boag durch das plötzliche Auftauchen dreier Jedi aufgefangen wurde. While surrounded by battle droids, he was able to use the Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Explore all of Wookieepedia's media for this article subject:Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He displayed deadly proficiency with Force Choke, which he used to kill King Katuunko; he could even use Force Grip on two targets at once. Als die Sith-Brüder Hondo Ohnaka und seine Piratengruppe in ihre Dienste zwangen, spürten Obi-Wan Kenobi und Adi Gallia sie auf, was zu einem tödlichen Duell führte.

Esano ignores this as with her death, his family fortune would be his.

After they mourned the deaths of Grohto as well as at least two clone troopers, they decided that Tatsu should not continue on due to his injury (missing right hand), as well as Kenobi due to his minor injuries as well.Once Maul and Opress reached Pleem's Nexus, the two landed at Esano's palace, with his sister requesting that he pay the Sith their reward for rescuing her, otherwise, they would kill her. Opress and his brother Feral became tribal leaders within the Nightbrother village.Opress faces off against Ventress in the Crucible, hoping to protect Feral from her.While the Clone Wars consumed countless lives across Opress tried his best to stay close to Feral and evade Ventress amidst the Crucible's added dimension, jumping from pillar to pillar, but Feral soon lost his purchase on one of the platforms and fell to the ground. Während Savage nach seinem Freund suchte, tauchte Ventress mit einem Mal auf und schlug Feral nieder. Nachdem er die Tür aufgebrochen hatte und alle übrigen Wachen im des Thronsaal getötet hatte, gelang es ihm, Katuunko gefangen zu nehmen. Due to Jedi beliefs, Grohto could not kill her in order to kill Maul. Nach einem gemeinsamen Kampf können sie den Brüdern entfliehen, die nun andere Pläne schmieden. Sofort stemmte sich Judd in den Boden und griff kurz darauf später mithilfe einer Kombination aus Macht-Sprung und Lichtschwertkampf auf die beiden Sith an. They were quickly joined by the When the Shadow Collective was complete, they began planning the Savage pretends to be a prisoner of the Death Watch with Lom Pyke and Ziton Moj.Savage played a part in the hoax as the leader of a team who robbed the vaults of the Unfortunately, once his grip on Mandalore was secure, Vizsla betrayed the Nightbrothers, imprisoning them in the Savage's brother challenged the Death Watch leader to a fierce duel that ended when Maul beheaded Vizsla. The site of the village was littered with Nightsister corpses and debris from Separatist weaponry, which Talzin—once she Maul and Opress battle Kenobi and Ventress aboard their Turtle Tanker.In the course of the battle, Opress crossed blades with both the Jedi Master and the bounty hunter, mainly focusing on the latter combatant. Wenn sie auch sehr kampferfahren und leistungsfähig waren, so zeigte sich doch bald, dass sie keine Aussicht auf Erfolg hatten. Da sich die Clanbrüder jedoch dem Willen der ebenfalls auf Dathomir heimischen Nachtschwestern zu unterwerfen hatten, waren sie gezwungen, sich im Kampf für eine Angehörige dieser Hexen, Asajj Ventress, die auf Rache an Count Dooku, ihrem ehemaligen Meister, aus wa… They quickly surrendered themselves to Hondo, who showed mercy and persuaded them to rejoin his gang. Ich brauche drei von euch. Ventress verwendete allerdings keine Waffen, sondern benutzte die von den Kriegern gebrauchten Daraufhin kam es zum letzten Test. Savage und die übrigen auserwählten Krieger mussten sich daraufhin in einer Arena Ventress in einem offenen Kampf auf Leben und Tod stellen.